Improve Your outcomes

Unlock more startup success at NO COST to you or your founders.


You do a great job of finding and nurturing startups with education, mentoring, and capital. We can magnify your efforts so you’ll see better returns for your portfolio and your community.

It Takes a Village to Raise a Successful Company

We do some important things that often don’t fall within your priorities or capacity

You train and guide founders on fundamentals of success and fundraising. We complement your initiatives and capabilities in 4 critical areas:

  • Improve the effectiveness of your base of mentors.
  • Expand your mentor network experientially, functionally, and geographically.
  • Build better boards able to better support the needs of the companies and the founders.
  • Continue the founder training and leadership development you started.
  • Plus we help your founders learn how to better connect with and support your community for a true win/win/win.
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Non-Profit and Non-Compete too

All upside; no distraction

By focusing exclusively on educational efforts for mentoring effectiveness, CEO leadership training, and better boards, we avoid any conflicts with your founder relationships. Specifically we don’t make investments or advise founders on valuations or terms. And while we have LOTS of active investors in our network, we don’t make direct investments. We’re just great syndication partners.

So you can always trust that we’ll be helping you improve your success profile without siphoning opportunity or injecting another complicating profit motive.

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Enhanced Founder Education

We’ll build on your great work

For both Alumni Founders (post-program) and Founders currently in program within your ecosystem, we offer extended education in the core areas of leadership, developing a board of directors and working with a board of directors.

Our Leadership and Board of Director training in addition to group interactions will help them gain wisdom and expertise faster, expand their horizons, and build emotional resiliency in a community with other founders and mentors worldwide.

Enhanced Mentor Education

We’ll send them back better.

Some people mentor for the pleasure or the feeling of giving back. Others seek some small share in the upside potential. Whatever their motivation, some are naturally better at mentoring than others. We’ve studied and learned how to coach and train and help mentors better unlock their wisdom and insight to share.

Our “live fire” exercises help mentors develop the interaction skills to better understand and relate to founders and the challenges to be solved, giving them feedback to accelerate proficiency. We can even bring our mentor training to your group virtually or live in your community.

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Tap Into Our Network

Expand the support you can provide to your founders

It’s not the volume of mentors that makes a network valuable, it’s the quality. We’re not trying to be the biggest, just the best. Globally we bring hundreds of highly effective mentors and directors with a great range of expertise who are all willing to pitch in when asked by another member. All are very proficient at interacting with founders, so you can trust them to handle each situation with nuance, personalization, and professionalism. And each of those people bring hundreds of personal connections too.

When you bring your mentors into our network, you get all the reciprocal access benefits to make your mentor pool more beneficial to your founders and your portfolio returns.

And It’s All Free?

No strings attached

Everything we described above is available at NO COST to our partners and the mentors and founders they bring. It’s all part of our Mastery level program.


Live-Fire events where Founders can post a specific topic, and a core group of specialized mentors join to discuss


Direct access to our global MentorFind and DirectorFind databases and ability to contact people with a higher priority and greater likelihood of response and engagement.

The “catch” is that we are only able to deliver these things thru the generosity of our donors and corporate partners. If you like what we’re doing, we’d appreciate a donation to spark our continued research and programming innovation.

Ready to Engage?

Click the button and share some information about you and your organization. We’ll connect soon to help you boost performance.